Horns Reborn
Horns Reborn
New life for noteworthy winds
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Kindly bear with us as we grow
At Horns Reborn We carry a wide range of products to suit a variety of budgets and tastes.
Currently in stock are clarinets of almost every type imaginable
-Eb soprano to contra Alto,
-Metal, rubber, metal lined rubber, ABS, ebonite, and of course grenadilla and rosewood
-Vintage models from the 20's up to the current day offerrings
-Humble student instruments to world class professional ones.
And clarinet accessories as well!
-Hundreds of vintage mouthpieces
-Barrels from Accubore, Buffet, Bakun etc.
-Reeds from Glotin, Gonzalez, Vandoren , Olivieri and others
-Introducing the best reeds I have ever played... PL Class reeds from Vienna
-Ligatures from Winslow, Bonade, Rovner, Vandoren and others
-Cases from Buffet and BAM
-Specialty repair products such as pads, lubricants adhesives, cork etc.
And we don't only handle clarinets of course, we also have currently in stock
Baroque flute and pic
Several saxes (bari, alto and tenor only at present)
A french horn, and one tired euphonium
We even have a couple of bassoons and an English horn!
Coming soon, a complete line of supplies such as swabs, cork grease, bore oil etc.
But the one offering we are most proud of and eager to share is our level of customer service, especially in high value, high reliability repairs and refurbished vintage instruments.
One example of this is our policy of providing loaner instruments for most repairs. We understand the need to play daily and will do whatever we possibly can to ensure you can...and do so on a properly serviced instrument that works with you!
Our most popular products will soon be shown below. Please call or stop by for more information on products, current promotions and custom options.